HELLO GUYS.. WELCOME BACK TO HACKERHEAVEN... in previous article..i show you how to spoof your mac address in kali sana.. today i am gonna show you how to crack the passwords through the help of hashcat in the kali sana 2.0.. let me tell you ..all the password are encrypted in hashe.. like .. window password encryption...SAM file in LM,NLTM or MD5 hashe which is very easily crack with help of HASHCAT,JOHN_THE_RIPPER,HYDRA..these all the software came inbuld with kali linux... similar to the window.. LINUX password is encrypted with SHA525 i think.. ya sure..wich can also be easily crack through these software.. and alogwith cracking...hashes.. i show you how to check the encrypted password...which type of hash it is... actually their is an sotware..hashfinder in kali...which easily .. guess what type of encyption it is... let me tell you one more thing...about the encryption.. lets your passwd is :zerocool but after encyption...MD5 MD5 hash for zero...